Well, I dont doubt that most of you are happy to see a few picture in TVia. It's this way...as discussed be- fore the sub list is just not big enough to permit making seperate picture plates each issue. But some of our girls wanted pics badly enough to subsidize them financially and here we are. It improves the mag all right. So till we get to the point where we can do it unaided (which means about doubling the present membership) we'll do it this way everybody who wants pics printed is asked to send along $1 to help these exra costs. When we have enough for a plate we'll print 'em. If you want a whole page send in $2. This subsidy will about pay the plate charges, the mag will cover the extra printing costs. There you have it...a few pics this time for those who initiated the process, more in No. 4 if you want them. Naturally the Editor reserves the right to decide whats to be printed and unused pics and money will be returned.
Some of you send in mail without return addresses. This isn't particulaly smart. If not delivered such mail goes to the dead letter office and is opened. If your re- turn is on the inside it will be returned to you...but if the contents are a little "unusual" it could be, embarrasing.
It would help your Editor a great deal in planning the following issue if he knew how many copies were going to be needed. So if you like this one and plan to get No 4 please send in your subscription NOW, TODAY, if you havent already. True you will have to wait a couple months for it to pay off but you'll be doing your part to help...thanks.
TRANSVESTIA is not a commercial venture. It is done by your Editor alone and it is a lot of darn hard work. I want this effort to serve the most important interests of the largest number of TVs but what these interests are I can only estimate from my own personal experience...If I dont guess right let me know. I look upon IVia like a bimonthly bulletin of a national Sorority...it belongs to all of us and you've all got to have that feeling and help